After a massive shopping trip to Costco we were finally
ready to go.
Here is the crew. ( Ken, Suki, Linda, Bill, Boris )
We left Juneau in
pretty soggy weather. We pulled into Funter Bay at about 2200 hr.
In the morning the weather had cleared and we practiced
rigging the boat despite an appalling dearth of wind.

Later we headed down Icy Strait, Cross Sound and around
Cape Spencer to our anchorage at Murphy Cove near Graves Harbour.
The next day we headed out. Everyone agrees that we could
have spent more time assessing the weather and preparing the boat a little
better. At one point the seas were 15 feet and chaotic. That corresponded with
our towed inflatable breaking loose. At the debriefing later the consensus was
that I should not have hopped into the dinghy to reattach the rope. After the
fact it was decided we should have just let it go rather than risk a crew
member’s safety. But then I would not experienced a bath, a wild ride and a
stretched arm socket.
After a corkscrewing wait outside Lituya Bay, we finally
got into the calm bliss of Lituya Bay. We spent some time looking at the bird
rookery at Cenotaph Island and then set the crab and shrimp pots. Later Linda
and Suki and I motored to the Island to hide a geocache.
The next day we caught the slack tide and headed out to
We arrived at Icy Bay at 0430 hr the next day.
After that the long slog across to Kayak Island and to
Seward on the Kenai Penninsula. We Left at 0930 hr Tuesday and arrived
Wednesday night. A gale is predicted for Thursday. We will be happy to be
parked at the dock in Seward while that plays out.
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