Thursday, August 28, 2014

To Adak


We headed off on our 350 mile odyssey to Adak. It took us 52 hours of motoring. The first 36 hours were not that bad. As we passed North of Seguam Island we saw lots of birds including my first Laysan Albatrosses.  I spent a fair bit of time on the back deck as the birds cycled by trying to get the perfect picture.

As night descended so did the gale. We fought gale force winds all the way to Adak. We arrived and anchored the boat in 30 to 40 knot winds.  Later that night it calmed down a little and we all had a great sleep.

We had an easy run over to Three Arm Bay on the West coast of Adak Island. It is a pretty protected anchorage. While those on Orrie’s boat went caribou hunting, Ken and I went for a walk on a nearby peninsula. It was great to get off the boat for a while.
Later we dropped some shrimp pots out in the outer bay.

This morning the wind shifted and came in strong. The anchor was dragging a bit so we moved to a better location.

I went for a hike to a mountain about one or two miles away. It was great walking. Saw lots of caribou and at higher elevations, snow buntings.

 I chickened out near the top. It was very steep and the wet grass was treacherous.

Selfie pic
Weather forecast sucks. We may be stuck here another two or three days. It is not a bad spot to be stranded. There is lots to do and the anchorage is pretty bomb proof.

Took the kayak off to the narrows and then walked over to the South side of the peninsula. Was hoping for a good drift beach but there wasn’t much. I did see twenty one caribou. Saw two Ancient Murrelets  on the way out.

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